Case1) DX Strategy Planning
Project background
01Each local council is required to build their own DX strategy based on government “GOV-Cloud Strategy”. The council aim to improve the service level and their operation with the technology.
DX Roadmap
02DX roadmap is one of the outcome from DX strategy. BPR point and action item are addressed on that roadmap. Also, it needs to be trained DX specialized staff who proceed above action items.

Case2) Improve Solution Business

Project background
01Many manufacturing companies are required to change their business model from hardware selling style to solution business to be able to cover factory whole recently.
People Development with project
02We build fundamental template and concept through actual project. It is similar as SFA and improve their capability.
Case3) Global EC Website
Project background
01Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the number of travelers significant decreased. Therefore, the company needs to shift their presence on online basis and provide new experience to the customers.
Multi Function
The websites are consist of multi-language and multi-currency features. Also, it covers several patterns of delivery type.
The web has the cart function and recommendation as well.

Case4) Global Multi-Language Website

Project background
01This is the renewal project of the company website which they operate the business globally. The scope is to cover more than 10 countries within Asia and it provides local language feature as well.
Global Presence
02The website covers many local language, such as Japanese, English, Chinese, Thai Malay and so on. We released the site quickly to support that the client reach local market.
Case5) PSI Planning Tool
Project background
01The client utilized Excel spreadsheet to share their production plan within several sections and it was manual based operation. Then, it needs to transform as platform to share same information online.
Subscription Development
02We chosen “Agile” style development and launched the feature gradually. This style doesn’t require big investment one time and allow small investment such as subscription.

Case6) Mobile App / Tourism Marketing

Project background
Cowra city which is located near Sydney and build good relationship with Japan through Japan garden and cherry blossom, launched mobile app to strengthen their marketing capability for long
-term relationship between Jana and Australia.
02The app has been awarded the Oral History NSW Community History Award 2020 . Furthermore, it received an Honorable Mention in The History Council NSW/Macquarie-PHA Applied History Award and a Special Commendation at the National Trust NSW Heritage Awards in the Education and Interpretation category.
Case7) Kintone Plugin (Dropbox Connection)
Project background
01We developed the Kintone plugin “Dropbox Hellosign for Kintone” to connect Kintone (Cybozu company) and Dropbox digital signature service “HellogSign”.
Dropbox Connection
The plugin support automatic saving in Dropbox when the user created any document such as contract in Kintone.
Then, the data connects HelloSign as well
and it is able to add digital signature on it.

Case8) Service Now Implement

Project background
01The client use many SaaS applications internally, but separated. When ne member is assigned in the project newly, many manual operations were required. The purpose of this project is to connect each SaaS through Service Now
Non-Code App for Enterprise
Service Now is non-code app which is suitable for mid-big enterprise globally.
It has good UI for customers and available customization. That is the reason to be used in many companies globally.
Case9) Oversea Branch IT Support
Project background
01Oversea entity of Japanese company has very limited resource normally. Therefore, external expertise is required. From IT security to server and network, it is able to cover wide range as IT helpdesk.
Strategic Outsourcing
02External resource flexibility is better for the company rather than internal fixed cost. This is Pay as you go style. Also, external resource deep knowledge & skill are very helpful for quick trouble shooting.

Case10) Cloud Server Migration

Project background
01The cloud server maintenance fee is very expensive and the structure is complicated. Therefore, the client look for any cost saving option.
Optimization Cloud Environment
02Total design of cloud server whole environment, consideration for cost saving, improvement service level etc are the tasks for cloud environment optimization.