

Let’s Work Together


Leveraging Sazae’s Automation experience enables you to grow your business significantly without increasing headcount. With our ‘intelligent automation’ solution there is no need to change any part of your existing business processes, systems or applications – robots emulate what the humans do and become your additional ‘intelligent digital workforce’.

The goal of the ‘digital workforce’ is to minimise human intervention to effectively execute business processes 24/7, 365 days with minimal downtime.

Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR)

Having completed numerous projects, we bring to bear practical automation experience gained in the trenches to assist our clients solve the most complex issues that face their business in a VUCA world. Our consultants diagnose the inefficiencies and risks in processes, optimise them and get them automation ready.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Increasingly businesses are turning to Intelligent Automation (IA) to find efficiencies, free up capacity and invent clever ways of doing more with less. Working with industry leading partners in RPA, AI, and Process Mining we help clients build a solid business case for automation.

Return on Investment

Benefits of automating a process within a business unit extend beyond just ROI. Companies can free up staff capacity, pair staff with bots to free up time for creative work, sell more, do faster delivery and dominate their market segment.

Process Mining & Discovery

Process Mining & Discovery

We help business units identify processes that lend themselves to automation and work out the ROI for these processes. Picking high impact areas within the business and quickly scaling automation projects are the keys to success for RPA



It does not make sense to automate a broken process. Before embarking on an RPA project we work with your stakeholders to re-engineer and optimise existing processes. Our experienced experts help you build a vision of what your enterprise should look like post transformation.

Centre of Excellence (COE)

Centre of Excellence (COE)

After automating the initial tranche of processes we identify citizen developers and process champions within your business and build a intra company COE. The core mandate of the COE will be to constantly find opportunities for automation, whether it be in the back office or in sales and marketing, and build out rapid bot deployments based on the knowledge gained during the initial pilot.

Let's get started with a complimentary strategy session!